Imagine two identical houses.  Now, imagine them on the same building lot in the same neighborhood in the same city. They are interchangeable except for one important element!  House Number One has an evaporative cooling capability.  House Number Two has central refrigerated air.

Which house will be preferred by a prospective new owner?  Which would be preferred by a prospective new renter?  Which house is the better value?

Hands down, the central refrigerated air house is the preferred choice, isn’t it?  And thereasons are very plain and simple.

1.  The refrigerated central air system is easier to maintain!  Especially with a preventive maintenance agreement issued by a licensed heating and air conditioning contractor.

2.  The refrigerated central air system provides reliable comfort on the very hot days, on the very humid days.  With
refrigerated air, you don’t need to “put up with” normal temperature fluctuations.

3.  No unsightly “green ooze” leaks from a central refrigerated air system like itdoes with evaporative cooling units.

4.  The refrigerated central air system brings higher valuation probabilities for your property, since refrigerated cooling is more desirable to occupants.
Four Seasons Heating and Cooling/Air Conditioning (575-523-4381/ wants to help you make the best decision for you, your family, and your budget.  Call today for a quote!







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